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How Do I Sign Up For Class?


You can sign up for class here or on the mindbody fitness app. To use the app, download Mindbody Fitness from your APP store, and then search for Raise Your Barre

Which Class Should I Take If I Am A Beginner?

Any class that looks the most interesting to you! All of our classes can be easily modified! We encourage all clients to take class at their own pace and comfort. 

Do I Need To Bring My Own Mat To Class?

Only if you would like to! The studio offers complimentary mats, or you can bring your own if you choose to.

Should I Bring My Own Water To Class?

You can bring your own water to class, but if you would like you can purchase a water bottle at the studio for $1

Do I Need Grip Socks For Class?

All classes can be done barefoot or in grip socks. Whichever you prefer. The studio does not have any grip socks available for purchase.

Can I Take Class If I Am Pregnant?

YES! If you are pregnant, you can take any of the classes offered at Raise Your Barre!

Please inform the instructor prior to class that you are pregnant, and they can help show you modifications if needed. Please always consult with your Doctor prior to taking class while pregnant.

When Should I Arrive To Class?

Please arrive to class about 10 minutes early, so that you can set your things down and get settled in prior to class.

Where Do I Park At The Studio?

The studio is located directly underneath the back enterance of Hang Tai.

There is a parking lot there that you can park at for free. 

How Do I Know If I Got Into A Class From The Waitlist?

If you are on the waitlist for a class, please turn on your notifications for Email/Text notifications. This will send you a notification that you are off the waitlist and into class. From there, you will have the option to accept the spot or to decline it.

What Is The Cancellation Policy?

At Raise Your Barre, we kindly ask that if you are unable yo attend the class you've signed up for, please cancel at least 6 hours prior to the scheduled class time. In the event of a cancellation within the timeframe or if you do not attend the class you are scheduled for, a cancellation fee of $18 will be applied. However, if another person takes your canceled spot, your fee will be waived. Please note: the cancellation policy applies to every person, regardless of what package you use to book your class.

We value your commitment and appreciate your understanding and cooperation regarding this policy.

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Studio Location: 38 East Central St. Franklin, MA 02038


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